Monday, May 25, 2015

The completion of an old episcopal ordination

I am pleased to announce that the details of the episcopal ordination of Flavio Cardinal Chigi have finally been completed with the addition of the place where it took place and the names of the two principal co-ordaining bishops.  

Cardinal Chigi figures in the papal episcopal lineages primarily because he conferred episcopal ordination on Lorenzo Cardinal Corsini, the future Pope Clement XII.  Today I came across the missing details while reading issues of the Gazzetta di Bologna.  The complete account of his episcopal ordination was published in the issue of 10 April 1686, in the third paragraph of the first page. 

The episcopal lineage of Pope Clement XII can be found in the lineage menu on the right side of this page.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Thank you – Molte grazie

I wish to take the opportunity to thank Father Roberto Fornaciari, O.S.B., distinguished ecclesiastical historian, author, and researcher, and Doctor Isabella Farinelli, esteemed Archivist of the Archdiocese of Perugia-Città della Pieve and distinguished author, for their assistance in bringing to light the details of the episcopal ordination of Giulio Cardinal Boschi (1838-1920), successively Bishop of Todi and of Senigallia, Archbishop of Ferrara, and Bishop of the suburbicarian Diocese of Frascati.

I mentioned to Father Fornaciari my until then fruitless search for the full details of the episcopal ordination of this cardinal.  Knowing that Cardinal Boschi was a native of Perugia, he contacted Dr. Farinelli and she found a complete account of the ceremony in the June 16, 1888 issue of the weekly newspaper Il Paese.

I am extremely grateful to Father Fornaciari and Dr. Farinelli for their kind and thoughtful assistance and for taking the time out of their busy schedules to assist me. 

For the record, here are the details of Cardinal Boschi’s episcopal ordination:

1888, 11 June, at Rome, in the Church of Santissima Trinità a Montecitorio

Carlo Cardinal Laurenzi
assisted by Federico Pietro Foschi, Archbishop of Perugia
and Francesco Trotta, Bishop of Teramo
ordained Giulio Boschi, Bishop of Todi.

Information on Cardinal Boschi may be found on Salvador Miranda’s website, The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, on this page:


and on David Cheney's website, The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church, including his abbreviated episcopal lineage, on this page: 
