Apostolic Succession & Episcopal Lineages in the Roman Catholic Church
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The Episcopal Lineage of Pope Saint John Paul II a...
An example of the de Bovet Lineage Dominic Tang Ye...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Clement XII Lorenzo C...
The Episcopal Lineage of Pope Gregory XVI Mauro Ca...
A Greek Melkite EpiscopalLineage LOUTFI LAHAM, B.S...
AChaldean Episcopal Lineage Raphael Bidawid, Bisho...
A Maronite episcopal lineage NASRALLAH PIERRE SFEI...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Pius II Enea Silvio P...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Callistus III Alfonso...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Pius III FrancescoTod...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Hadrian VI Adriaan Fl...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Julius III GiovanniMa...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Marcellus II & Pope P...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Pius IV Giovanni Ange...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Sixtus V Felice Peret...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Urban VII Giovanni Ba...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Eugene IV Gabriele Co...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Clement VIII, Pope Pa...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Leo XI Alessandro Ott...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Gregory XV Alessandro...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Alexander VII, Pope U...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Innocent X Giovanni B...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Clement IX Giulio Ros...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Blessed Pope Innocent XI B...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Innocent XII AntonioP...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Clement XI GiovanniFr...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Innocent XIII Michela...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Clement XIV Lorenzo G...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Pius VI GiovanniAngel...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Pius VII Gregorio Bar...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Blessed Pope Pius IX & Pop...
The Episcopal Lineage of Pope Leo XIII VINCENZO G...
The Episcopal Lineage of Pope Paul VI, Pope Pius X...
The Episcopal Lineageof Pope John Paul I & Pope Sa...
The Episcopal Lineages of Pope Benedict XIII, Pope...
The Episcopal Lineage of Pope emeritus Benedict XV...
The EpiscopalLineage of His Holiness, Pope Francis...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Alexander VIII Pietro...
Anexample of the von Bodman lineage Herman Tillema...
An example of the d'Estouteville lineage The episc...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Clement X & Pope Paul...
TheEpiscopal Lineage of Pope Pius XI Ambrogio Da...
Friday, January 3, 2025
UPDATE to the 10 January 2024 / 19 February 2024 posts regarding the d’ESTOUTEVILLE LINE (3 January 2025) Since the previous post ...
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
The Four Living Fathers of the Second Vatican Council On 10 July 2024 Archbishop Alphonsus Mathias, emeritus of Bangalore, ...
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Roman rite bishops belonging to the Maronite line – updated 9 April 2024 Since the previous update of 29 July 2023, the number of Roman ...
Monday, February 19, 2024
UPDATE to the 10 January 2024 post regarding the d’ESTOUTEVILLE LINE (19 February 2024) Since the previous post regarding the d’Estout...
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
UPDATES to the von BODMAN and d’ESTOUTEVILLE LINES (10 January 2024) The von Bodman line has decreased in size due to the death of one o...
Sunday, October 15, 2023
AN UPDATE to the d’ESTOUTEVILLE LINE (15 October 2023) Since the prior update to the d’Estouteville line on ...
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