SVIATOSLAV SHEVCHUK, Titular Bishop of Castra Galbae and Auxiliary Bishop of the Eparchy of Santa María del Patrocinio en Buenos Aires of the Ukrainians at Lviv. Ordained bishop 7 April 2009 at Lviv, in the Cathedral of Saint George, by Ihor Voznyak, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians, assisted by Miguel Mykycej, F.D.P., Bishop of the Eparchy of Santa María del Patrocinio en Buenos Aires of the Ukrainians and Julian Voronovsky, M.S.U., Eparch of Sambir-Drohobych of the Ukrainians.

 IHOR VOZNYAK, C.Ss.R., Titular Bishop of Nysa in Licia and Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians. Ordained bishop 17 February 2002 at Lviv, in the Cathedral of Saint George, by His Beatitude and Eminence Lubomyr Cardinal Husar, M.S.U., Major Archbishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians, assisted by Michael Bzdel, C.Ss.R., Archeparch of Winnipeg of the Ukrainians and Mykhailo Sabryha, C.Ss.R., Eparch of Ternopil-Zboriv of the Ukrainians.

 LUBOMYR HUSAR, M.S.U., Superior of the Studite Monastery. Ordained bishop 2 April 1977 at Castelgandolfo, in the Studite Monastery, by His Beatitude and Eminence Josyf Cardinal Slipyi, Major Archbishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians.

 JOSYF SLIPYITitular Archbishop of Serrae and Coadjutor of Lviv of the Ukrainians. Ordained bishop 22 December 1939 at Lviv, in the archbishop`s chapel, by Andriy Sheptytskyi, O.S.B.M., Archeparch of Lviv of the Ukrainians, assisted by Blessed Mykyta Budka, Titular Bishop of Patara, and Blessed Mykola Charnetskyi, C.Ss.R., Titular Bishop of Lebedus.

 ANDRIY SHEPTYTSKYI, O.S.B.M., Eparch of Stanislaviv of the Ukrainians. Ordained bishop 17 September 1899 inLviv, by Julian Kuilovskyi, Archeparch of Lviv of the Ukrainians, assisted by Konstantyn Chekhovych, Eparch of Przemysl of the Ukrainians, and Joseph Weber, C.R., Titular Bishop of Temnus and Auxiliary of Lviv of the Latins.

 JULIAN KUILOVSKYITitular Bishop of Ephestus and Auxiliary of the Eparch of Przemysl of the Ukrainians. Ordained bishop 17 August 1890 in Przemysl by Sylvester Sembratovych, Archeparch of Lviv of the Ukrainians, assisted by Lucas Solecki, Bishop of Przemysl of the Latins, Julian Pelesh, Eparch of Stanislaviv of the Ukrainians, and Jacobus Glazer, Titular Bishop of Gabala and Auxiliary of Przemysl of the Latins.

 SYLVESTER SEMBRATOVYCHTitular Bishop of Juliopolis and Auxiliary of the Archeparch of Lviv of the Ukrainians. Ordained bishop 20 April 1879 in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint George, Lviv, by Josyf Sembratovych, Archeparch of Lviv of the Ukrainians, assisted by Franciszek Xavier Wierzchlejski, Archbishop of Lviv of the Latins, and Ivan Stupnytskyi, Eparch of Przemysl of the Ukrainians.

 JOSYF SEMBRATOVYCHTitular Archbishop of Nazianzus, ordaining bishop for the Byzantine Rite at Rome. Ordained bishop 10 June 1865 in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint George, Lviv, by Spyrydon Lytyvnovych, Archeparch of Lviv of the Ukrainians, assisted by Franciszek Xavier Wierzchlejski, Archbishop of Lviv of the Latins, and Gregory Szymonowicz, Archeparch of Lviv of the Armenians.

 SPYRYDON LYTYVNOVYCHTitular Bishop of Canatha, Auxiliary of the Archeparch of Lviv of the Ukrainians. Ordained bishop 17 May 1857 in the Church of Saint Barbara, Vienna, by Ioan Lemeni, Eparch emeritus of Fagaraş, assisted by Johann Michael Leonhard, Titular Bishop of Diocletianopolis, and Franz Xaver Zenner, Titular Bishop of Sarepta and Auxiliary of Vienna.

 IOAN LEMENI, Eparch of Fagaraş. Ordained bishop 9 June 1833 in the Eparchial Cathedral at Nagyvarad by Samuel Vulcan, Eparch of Nagyvarad.

 SAMUEL VULCAN, Eparch of Nagyvarad. Ordained bishop 7 June 1807 in Blaj by Ioan Bob, Eparch of Fagaraş, assisted by Demetrius Kajan, Dean of the cathedral chapter, and Benedict Fogarasi, priest of the Eparchy of Fagaraş.

 IOAN BOB, Eparch of Fagaraş. Ordained bishop 6 June 1784 in Blaj by Grigorie Maior, O.S.B.M., Eparch emeritus of Fagaraş.

 GRIGORIE MAIOR, O.S.B.M., Eparch of Fagaraş. Ordained bishop 4 May 1773 in Vienna by Basil Bosichkovich, O.S.B.M., Titular Bishop of Diocletianopolis and Vicar Apostolic for Greek Catholics in the Diocese of Zagreb, assisted by Andriy Bachynskyi, Eparch elect of Mukachevo, and Sylvester Kalliani, O.S.B.M., canon of Fagaraş.

 BASIL BOSICHKOVICH, O.S.B.M., Titular Bishop of Diocletianopolis and Vicar Apostolic for Greek Catholics in the Diocese of Zagreb. Ordained bishop 11 November 1759 in Mariapocs by Manuil Mykhaylo Olshavskyi, O.S.B.M., Titular Bishop of Rhosus and Vicar Apostolic of Mukachevo.

 MANUIL MYKHAYLO OLSHAVSKYI, O.S.B.M., Titular Bishop of Rhosus and Vicar Apostolic of Mukachevo. Ordained bishop 21 December 1743 in Mariapocs by Ioan Innocent Micu-Klein, O.S.B.M., Bishop of Fagaraş.

 IOAN INNOCENT MICU-KLEIN, O.S.B.M., Eparch of Fagaraş. Ordained bishop 5 November 1730 in Mukachevo byHeorhiy Bizanczy, Titular Bishop of Sebastopolis and Apostolic Administrator of Mukachevo.

 HEORHIY BIZANCZY, Titular Bishop of Sebastopolis and Apostolic Administrator of Mukachevo. Ordained bishop 21 December 1716 in Lviv by Lev Kishka, Archeparch of Kiev of the Ukrainians.

 LEV KISHKA, Archeparch of Kiev of the Ukrainians. Ordained bishop 19 March 1711 by Yuriy Vynnytskyi, Eparch of Przemysl of the Ukrainians.

YURIY VYNNYTSKYIEparch of Przemysl of the Ukrainians. Ordained bishop 6 June 1700 in Przemysl, in the Eparchial Cathedral, by Lev Zalenskyi, Archeparch of Kiev of the Ukrainians, assisted by Hedeon Voyna-Oranskyi, Eparch of Cholm of the Ukrainians, and Antonin Zholkevskyi, Eparch of Pinsk of the Ukrainians.

 LEV ZALENSKYIEparch of Volodymyr of the Ukrainians. Ordained bishop in 1678 at Grodno by Kyprian Zhokhovskyi, Archeparch of Kiev of the Ukrainians.

 KYPRIAN ZHOKHOVSKYIEparch of Vitebsk of the Ukrainians, Coadjutor Eparch of Plock of the Ukrainians. Ordained bishop 15 March 1671 in Vilno by Havryil Kolenda, Archeparch of Kiev of the Ukrainians, assisted by Markian Bilozor, Eparch of Pinsk of the Ukrainians, and Camillus Pac, Bishop of Samogitia.

 HAVRYIL KOLENDA, Coadjutor Eparch of Plock of the Ukrainians. Ordained bishop in 1652 by Antin Selyava, O.S.B.M., Archeparch of Kiev of the Ukrainians.

 ANTIN SELYAVA, O.S.B.M., Eparch of Plock of the Ukrainians. Ordained bishop in 1624 in Vilno by Josyf Veliamyn-Rutskyi, Archeparch of Kiev of the Ukrainians.

 JOSYF VELIAMYN-RUTSKYIEparch of Halych of the Ukrainians. Ordained bishop in June 1613 by Ipatiy Potiy, Archeparch of Kiev of the Ukrainians.

 IPATIY POTIYOrthodox Eparch of Volodymyr. Ordained bishop 31 March 1593 by Mykhaylo Rahoza, Orthodox Archeparch of Kiev.

 MYKHAYLO RAHOZA, Orthodox Archeparch of Kiev. Ordained bishop 1 August 1589 by Jeremias II Tranos, Patriarch of Constantinople.

 JEREMIAS TRANOSOrthodox Metropolitan of Larissa. Ordained bishop in 1565 by ?


 My sincere thanks to Hieromonk Manuil Pyshkovych, M.S.U., for his assistance in correcting the transliterations of various names in this lineage and for his kind assistance over the past several years in researching the consecrations of many bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.