The Episcopal Lineage of Pope Paul VI, Pope Pius XII, Pope Benedict XV, and Pope Saint Pius X

GIOVANNI BATTISTA MONTINI, Archbishop of Milano, the future Pope Paul VI.  Ordained bishop 12 December 1954 in Saint Peter`s Basilica, Rome, by Eugène Cardinal Tisserant, Bishop of Ostia and of Porto e Santa Rufina, assisted by Giacinto Tredici, Bishop of Brescia, and Domenico Bernareggi, Titular Bishop of Famagosta and Vicar  Capitular of Milano.

EUGÈNE TISSERANT, Cardinal and Titular Archbishop of Iconium. Ordained bishop 25 July 1937 in Saint Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City, by Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli, Secretary of State of His Holiness, assisted by Giuiseppe Migone, Titular Archbishop of Nicomedia, and Charles-Joseph Ruch, Bishop of Strasbourg.

EUGENIO PACELLI, Titular Archbishop of Sardi, the future Pope Pius XII. Ordained bishop 13 May 1917 in the Sistine Chapel, Rome, by His Holiness Pope Benedict XV, assisted by Giovanni Battista Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano, Titular Archbishop of Thebes, and Agostino Zampini, O.S.A., Titular Bishop of Porphyreon and Sacristan of His Holiness.

GIACOMO DELLA CHIESA, Archbishop of Bologna, the future Pope Benedict XV. Ordained bishop 22 December 1907 in the Sistine Chapel, Rome, by His Holiness Pope Saint Pius X, assisted by Pietro Balestra, Archbishop of Cagliari, and Teodoro Valfre di Bonzo, Archbishop of Vercelli.

GIUSEPPE SARTO, Bishop of Mantova (the future Pope St. Pius X).  Ordained bishop 16 November 1884 in the Church of San Apollinare, Rome, by Lucido Maria Cardinal Parocchi, Vicar of Rome, assisted by Pietro Rosa, Titular Archbishop of Thebes, and Giovanni Maria Berengo, Archbishop of Udine.

LUCIDO MARIA PAROCCHI, Bishop of Pavia.  Ordained bishop 5 November 1871 in the Church of Trinità dei Monti, Rome, by Costantino Cardinal Patrizi Naro, Bishop of Ostia e Velletri, assisted by Pietro Villanova Castellacci, Titular Archbishop of Petra in Palaestina, and Salvatore Nobili Vitellechi, Titular Archbishop of Seleucia in Isauria.

COSTANTINO PATRIZI, Titular Archbishop of Philippi. Ordained bishop 21 December 1828 in the Church of Santa Caterina da Siena, Rome, by Carlo Cardinal Odescalchi, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars, assisted by Lorenzo Mattei, Titular Patriarch of Antioch, and Paolo Agosto Foscolo, Archbishop of Corfu.

CARLO ODESCALCHI, Cardinal Archbishop of Ferrara. Ordained bishop 25 May 1823 in the Basilica of the Twelve Holy Apostles, Rome, by Giulio Maria Cardinal Della Somaglia, Bishop of Ostia e Velletri, assisted by Giuseppe Della Porta Rodiani, Titular Patriarch of Constantinople, and Lorenzo Mattei, Titular Patriarch of Antioch.

GIULIO MARIA DELLA SOMAGLIA, Titular Patriarch of Antioch.  Ordained bishop 21 December 1788 in the Church of San Carlo ai Catinari, Rome, by Hyacinthe-Sigismond Gerdil, C.R.S.P., assisted by Nicola Buschi, Titular Archbishop of Ephesus, and Pierluigi Galletti, O.S.B., Titular Bishop of Cyrene.

HYACINTHE-SIGISMOND GERDIL, C.R.S.P., Titular Bishop of Dibon. Ordained bishop 2 March 1777 in the Church of San Carlo ai Catinari, Rome, by Marcantonio Cardinal Colonna, Vicar of Rome, assisted by Orazio Mattei, Titular Archbishop of Colossae, and Francesco Antonio Marcucci, Bishop of Montalto delle Marche and Vicegerent of Rome.

MARCANTONIO COLONNA, Cardinal and Titular Archbishop of Corinth. Ordained bishop 25 April 1762 in the Pauline Chapel of the Apostolic Palace of the Quirinal, Rome, by His Holiness Pope Clement XIII, assisted by Giovanni Francesco Cardinal Albani, Bishop of Sabina, and Henry Benedict Mary Clement Stuart, Duke of York, Bishop of Frascati.

For the continuation of this lineage, please see the lineage of Pope Francis.  

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