The Episcopal Lineage of His Holiness, Pope Francis

JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO, S.J, Titular Bishop of Auca and Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires, the future Pope Francis. Ordained bishop 27 June 1992 at Buenos Aires, in the Metropolitan Cathedral, by Antonio Cardinal Quarracino, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, assisted by Ubaldo Calabresi, Titular Archbishop of Fondi and Apostolic Nuncio to Argentina, and Emilio Ogñénovich, Bishop of Mercedes-Luján.

ANTONIO QUARRACINO, Bishop of Nueve de Julio. Ordained bishop 8 April 1962 at Mercedes, in the Cathedral, by Anunciado Serafini, Bishop of Mercedes, assisted by  Adolfo Servando Tortolo, Bishop of Catamarca, and Raúl Francisco Primatesta, Bishop of San Rafael.

ANUNCIADO SERAFINI, Titular Bishop of Arycanda and Auxiliary Bishop of La Plata. Ordained bishop 25 July 1935 at La Plata by Zenobio Lorenzo Guilland, Archbishop of Paraná, assisted by Fortunato Devoto, Titular Bishop of Attaea and Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires, and Miguel de Andrea, Titular Bishop of Temnus and Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires.

ZENOBIO LORENZO GUILLAND, Archbishop of Paraná. Ordained bishop 3 March 1935 at La Plata, in the Cathedral, by Filippo Cortesi, Titular Archbishop of Sirace and Apostolic Nuncio to Argentina, assisted by Miguel de Andrea, Titular Bishop of Temnus and Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires, and Cesar Caneva, Bishop of Azul.

FILIPPO CORTESI, Titular Archbishop of Sirace and Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela. Ordained bishop 21 August 1921 at Rome, in the Church of San Alfonso in Via Merulana, by Antonio Cardinal Vico, Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina, assisted by Pietro Fumasoni Biondi, Titular Archbishop of Doclea, and Sebastião Leite de Vasconcellos, Titularr Archbishop of Damiata.

ANTONIO VICO, Titular Archbishop of Philippi and Apostolic Delegate in Colombia. Ordained bishop 9 January 1898 at Rome, in the chapel of Capranica College, by Mariano Cardinal Rampolla del Tindaro, assisted by Cesare Sambucetti, Titular Archbishop of Corinth, and Antonio Sardi, Bishop of Anagni.

MARIANO RAMPOLLA del TINDARO, Titular Archbishop of Heraclea in Europa and Apostolic Nuncio to Spain. Ordained bishop 8 December 1882 in Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome, by Edward Henry Cardinal Howard, assisted by Alessandro Sanminiatelli Zabarella, Titular Archbishop of Tyana, and Carlo Laurenzi, Titular Bishop of Amathus in Palaestina.

EDWARD HENRY HOWARD, Titular Archbishop of Neocaesarea in Ponto and Auxiliary Bishop of Frascati. Ordained bishop 30 June 1872 in Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome, by Carlo Cardinal Sacconi, assisted by Salvatore Nobili-Vitelleschi, Titular Archbishop of Seleucia in Isauria, and François Xavier de Merode, Titular Archbishop of Melitene.

CARLO SACCONI, Titular Archbishop of Nicaea and Apostolic Nuncio in Bavaria. Ordained bishop 8 June 1851 in the Church of Saints Vincent and Anastasius, Rome, by Giacomo Filippo Cardinal Fransoni, assisted by Giuseppe Valerga, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, and Rudesindo Salvado, O.S.B., Bishop of Port Victoria, Australia.

GIACOMO FILIPPO FRANSONI, Titular Archbishop of Nazianzus. Ordained bishop 8 December 1822 in the Church of the Benedictines (Campo Marzio), Rome, by Pier Francesco Cardinal Galleffi, assisted by Gianfrancesco Falzacappa, Titular Archbishop of Athens, and Giuseppe Della Porta Rodiani, Titular Archbishop of Damascus.

PIER FRANCESCO GALLEFFI, Cardinal and Titular Archbishop of Damascus. Ordained bishop 12 September 1819 in the Church of Saints Dominic and Sixtus, Rome, by Alessandro Cardinal Mattei, Bishop of Ostia e Velletri, assisted by Meraldo Macioti, Titular Bishop of Elusa, and Francesco Albertini, Bishop of Terracina, Sezze e Piperno.

ALESSANDRO MATTEI, Archbishop of Ferrara. Ordained bishop 23 February 1777 in the Church of Santa Maria Regina Coeli, Rome, by Bernardino Cardinal Giraud, former Archbishop of Ferrara, assisted by Marcantonio Conti, Tituar Archbishop of Damascus, and Giuseppe Maria Carafa, Bishop of Mileto.

BERNARDINO GIRAUD, Titular Archbishop of Damascus. Ordained bishop 26 April 1767 in a chapel of the Apostolic Palace of the Quirinal, Rome, by His Holiness Pope Clement XIII, assisted by Scipione Borghese, Titular Archbishop of Theodosia, and Ignazio Reali, Titular Archbishop of Athens.

CARLO REZZONICO, Cardinal Bishop of Padova, the future Pope Clement XIII. Ordained bishop 19 March 1743 in the Basilica of the Twelve Holy Apostles, Rome, by His Holiness Pope Benedict XIV, assisted by Giuseppe Cardinal Accaramboni, Bishop of Frascati, and Antonio Saverio Cardinal Gentili.

PROSPERO LAMBERTINI, Titular Archbishop of Theodosia, the future Pope Benedict XIV. Ordained bishop 16 July 1724 in the Pauline Chapel of the Apostolic Palace of the Quirinal, Rome, by His Holiness Pope Benedict XIII, assisted by Giovanni Francesco Nicolai, O.F.M.Ref., Titular Archbishop of Myra, and Nicola Maria Lercari, Titular Archbishop of Nazianzus.

PIETRO FRANCESCO VINCENZO MARIA ORSINI, O.P., Cardinal Archbishop of Manfredonia, the future Pope Benedict XIII. Ordained bishop 3 February 1675 in the Church of Saints Dominic and Sixtus, Rome, by Paluzzo (Paluzzi degli Albertoni) Cardinal Altieri, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide, assisted by Stefano Brancaccio, Archbishop-Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, and Costanzo Zani, O.S.B., Bishop of Imola.

PALUZZO (PALUZZI degli ALBERTONI) ALTIERI, Cardinal Bishop of Montefiascone e Corneto. Ordained bishop 2 May 1666 in the Church of San Silvestro in Capite, Rome, by Ulderico Cardinal Carpegna, assisted by Stefano Ugolini, Titular Archbishop of Corinth, and Giovanni Tommaso Pinelli, Bishop of Albenga. 

ULDERICO CARPEGNA, Bishop of Gubbio. Ordained bishop 7 October 1630 in the Pauline Chapel of the Apostolic Palace of the Quirinal, Rome, by Luigi Cardinal Caetani, assisted by Antonio Ricciulli, former Bishop of Belcastro and Vicegerent of Rome, and Benedetto Landi, Bishop of Fossombrone.

LUIGI CAETANI, Titular Patriarch of Antioch. Ordained bishop 12 June 1622 in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, by Lodovico Cardinal Ludovisi, Archbishop of Bologna, assisted by Galeazzo Sanvitale, former Archbishop of Bari, and Vulpiano Volpi, former Archbishop of Chieti.

LODOVICO LUDOVISI, Cardinal Archbishop of Bologna. Ordained bishop 2 May 1621 in the private chapel of his consecrator, near Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome, by Galeazzo Sanvitale, former Archbishop of Bari and Prefect of the Apostolic Palace, assisted by Cosmo de Torres, Titular Archbishop of Hadrianopolis, and Ottavio Ridolfi, Bishop of Ariano.

GALEAZZO SANVITALE, Archbishop of Bari. Ordained bishop 4 April 1604 in the chapel of the Apostolic Sacristy, Rome, by Girolamo Cardinal Bernerio, O.P., Bishop of Albano, assisted by Claudio Rangoni, Bishop of Piacenza, and Giovanni Ambrogio Caccia, Bishop of Castro di Toscana.

GIROLAMO BERNERIO, O.P., Bishop of Ascoli Piceno. Ordained bishop 7 September 1586 in the Basilica of the Twelve Holy Apostles, Rome, by Giulio Cardinal Santoro, assisted by Giulio Masetti, Bishop of Reggio Emilia, and Ottaviano Paravicini, Bishop of Alessandria.

GIULIO ANTONIO SANTORO, Archbishop of Santa Severina. Ordained bishop 12 March 1566 in the Pauline Chapel of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, by Scipione Cardinal Rebiba, Titular Patriarch of Constantinople, assisted by Annibale Caracciolo, Bishop of Isola, and Giacomo de’ Giacomelli, former Bishop of Belcastro.

SCIPIONE REBIBA, Titular Bishop of Amicle and Auxiliary of Chieti. Ordained bishop 14 May 1541. To date, after extensive research, no record of his episcopal ordination, other than the date, has been found.