The Episcopal Lineage of Pope Julius III

Giovanni Maria Ciocchi del Monte, the future Pope Julius III, Archbishop of Manfredonia. Ordained bishop 12 November 1514 at Perugia, in the Cathedral, by his uncle Antonio Maria Cardinal Ciocchi del Monte, Legate of Perugia, assistentibus aliquot Episcopis et aliis Praelatis. (Giovanni Muzi, Memorie ecclesiastiche e civili di Città di Castello, v. III, p. 57)
Antonio Maria Ciocchi del Monte, Bishop of Città di Castello. Ordained bishop 4 January 1506 at Rome, in the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, by Tito Veltri di Viterbo, Bishop of Castro, Acquapendente, assisted by Nicola Antonio Pesci, Bishop of Muro Lucano, and Francescco Filipperi, Bishop of Ferentino.

Tito Veltri di Viterbo, Bishop of Castro, Acquapendente. Elected 10 November 1480.  The details of his episcopal ordination have not yet been discovered.