The Episcopal Lineage of Pope Leo XI

Alessandro Ottaviano de Medici, the future Pope Leo XII, Bishop of Pistoia. Ordained bishop in March 1573, after the 9th, at Rome, by Francesco Cardinal Pacheco de Toledo, Bishop of Burgos, assisted by ..., Bishop of …, and …, Bishop of ….

Francisco Cardinal Pacheco de Toledo, Bishop of Burgos. Ordained bishop 26 October 1567 at Rome, in the Church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, by Antoine Cardinal Perrenot de Granvelle, Archbishop of Malines, assisted by Giovanni Francesco Cardinal Gambara, Bishop of Viterbo, and Iñigo Cardinal Avalos de Aragón, Bishop of Mileto.

Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle, Bishop of Arras. Ordained bishop 21 May 1542 at Valladolid by Juan Cardinal Pardo Tavera, Archbishop of Toledo, assisted by …, Bishop of …, and …, Bishop of ….

Juan Pardo Tavera, Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo. Elected Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo 14 July 1514. The details of his episcopal ordination have not yet been discovered.