The Episcopal Lineage of Pope Pius VI

Giovanni Angelo Braschi, Pope Pius VI. Ordained bishop 22 February 1775 at Rome, in Saint Peter’s Basilica, by Giovanni Francesco Cardinal Albani, Bishop of Ostia e Velletri, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, assisted by Henry Benedict Mary Clement Cardinal Stuart, Duke of York, Bishop of Frascati, and Carlo Cardinal Rezzonico, Bishop of Sabina.

Giovanni Franesco Albani, Bishop of Sabina. Ordained bishop 21 Sseptemer 1760 at Rome, in the Basilica of the Twelve Holy Apostles, by Pope Clement XIII, assisted by Giuseppe Cardinal Spinelli, Bisop of Ostia and Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, by Flavio Cardinal Chigi, by Camillo Cardinal Paolucci, Bishop of Frascati, and by Carlo Cardinal Cavalchini, Bishop of Albano.

For the continuation of this lineage, please see the lineage of Pope Francis.