Monday, December 24, 2018

A change in the von Bodman line

As noted in the previous post, the von Bodman line has 10 living members.  This is due to the episcopal ordination of Bishop Ewaldus Martinus Sedu, Bishop of Maumere, on 26 September 2018 by his predecessor, Bishop Gerulfus Kherubim Pareira, S.V.D.

Here are the current living members of this line:

*Bishop Patrick Hoogmartens of Hasselt
*Archbishop Nicolaus Adi Seputra, M.S.C., of Merauke
*Bishop Aloysius Murwito, O.F.M., of Agats
*Bishop emeritus Gerulfus Kherubim Pareira, S.V.D., of Maumere
*Bishop Edmund Woga, C.Ss.R., of Weetebula
*Bishop emeritus Hubertus Leteng of Ruteng
*Bishop Dominikus Saku of Atambua
*Bishop Franciscus Kopong-Kung of Larantuka
*Bishop emeritus Anton Pain Ratu, S.V.D., of Atambua
*Bishop Ewaldus Martinus Sedu of Maumere