Monday, February 4, 2019

The consecration of Tommaso Parentucelli – Pope Nicholas V

A couple of years ago, information was discovered which stated that Tommaso Cardinal Parentucelli, Bishop of Bologna, who was elected pope with the name of Nicholas V on 6 March 1447, had received episcopal ordination after his election. 

This past week I received a message from Mr. Tomasz Karlikowski in which he inquired about the possibility that Nicholas V received episcopal ordination as Bishop of Bologna rather than after his election as pope. He asked some interesting questions and provided some new insights on the College of Cardinals and papal elections in the first half of the second millennium.  I am grateful to him for his interesting and thought-provoking contribution.

Consulting some of the excellent digitized manuscripts on the website of the Vatican Library (https://digi.vatlib.it/ ) I found an account of the rites after the death of Pope Eugene IV and the conclave which elected Pope Nicholas V in the Capponi collection:  Cappon.29, 318v-320r.  This easily readable account made no mention of him being ordained bishop.

Therefore, the search for information concerning the episcopal ordination of Tommaso Cardinal Parentucelli, Bishop of Bologna and future Pope Nicholas V, continues.